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Jack and James’ Story

Jack foster carer

Fostering is an incredibly selfless and fulfilling act that can have a tremendous impact on the life of a child. This was something that James, who had always wanted to make a difference in children’s lives, was fully aware of when he decided to become a foster parent. After months of waiting and preparation, James […]

Discovering Your Passion for Compassion: A Foster Carer’s Journey to Fulfilment

Every day, countless foster carers throughout the UK devote their lives to offering a nurturing environment for children and young people in need. For many, fostering goes beyond a mere occupation; it’s a calling and a way of life. But how can one embark on a fulfilling career in compassionate care? One Foster Carer’s Inspirational […]

Pets and Fostering Children

Children and pets

We often get asked whether someone can foster if they have pets, so we thought we’d ask a few of our carers about the positives and negatives about pets and fostering children. For many children in care, the presence of animals can make all the difference to how quickly and how well they settle into […]